The Art Studies Journal is the official journal of the Department of Art Studies, College of Arts and Letters, University of the Philippines Diliman. It is envisioned to foster discursive and scholarly engagements on Philippine art, in conversation with the regional and the global, through deploying the lenses of art history, art theory and aesthetics, art criticism, curatorship, and arts management. Taking the Philippines as a geographical, historical, and theoretical starting point, it aligns with the department’s commitment to a humanistic and interdisciplinary approach and to the decolonization of art, which have been its response to dominant Euro-American epistemologies and practices in the discipline.
The Art Studies Journal welcomes submissions on art and the broad concept of modernity for its third volume. Stemming primarily from discourses in sociology and other related disciplines, modernity has been reconceptualized as plural. This shift emboldens the specificity of experiences among post colonies to take space in the theoretical, methodological, and praxiological domains—which is a means to trouble inherited notions of utopia, progress, and development from the West. This opens the concept of modernity to also include nation-building amid traces of the colonial, spirituality through cultural convergences, the reconceptualization of the museum, among wide-ranging topics. With this, the third volume highlights, but may also reconsider, the relationship between modernity as a social process and modern/modernism as a cultural and artistic movement. The experimentation with new forms, materials, and techniques may not simply be seen as a mirror to societal/industrial development, but also as an overdetermined latticework of relations and interactions between various localities and streams of creative expressions. The experience of the postcolony hence may provide new insights into the notions relevant to modernity and the modern: folk, pop, contemporary, ecology, and the like.
This volume on art and modernities complements the themes of Art Studies Journal’s previous issues on folk art and popular art and culture, and various external efforts that dwell on the contemporary, by prompting discussions on the tensions and entanglements between persistence and change, convergences and remediation, publics and agency, among many.
Topics that contributors might consider submitting on include (but are not limited to):
- Conceptual positionings (definitions, locations) of the modern alongside the contemporary, the folk, traditional art, popular culture, and other concepts
- Challenges to related conceptual binaries (e.g., nature-culture, myth-reason/science, individual-community, metropolis-periphery, local-global, and Global North-Global South)
- Material and social relational dimensions of the modern
- The modern situated within local moral, aesthetic, and affective worlds (e.g., cosmology, spirituality, suffering, and sufferance)
- Gendered assumptions in discourses on modernity and the modern
- The modern as conflicted heritage
- Art and nation-building or the questioning of this relationship
- Ethnographic cataloging of cultures toward an archive
- Cultural heritage and its representations
- Art of living traditions in the midst of global flows
- Art amid dynamisms between varying localities (e.g., region, solidarities, geopolitics, and worlding)
- Art, nature, and ecology within the context of modernity
- Museums as modern institutions
- Local discursive and curatorial practices on the modern
- Art with other modernist projects (e.g. democracy, civil society, gender equality, and secularism)
The journal accepts the following submission formats, written in either English or Filipino, all of which will undergo a blind review process from members of the editorial team:
- Articles (3,000-5,000 words and maximum of 2,000 words for endnotes and works cited)
- Reviews of publications, art exhibitions, and other media texts (1,000-2,000 words)
- Research notes (1,000-2,000 words)
- Artist notes (1,000-2,000 words)
- Class syllabus (1,000-2,000 words)
- Other formats or lengths upon discussion with the editors (discussion should be before the set deadline of email submissions)
The journal does not accept previously published material. Undergraduate papers are welcome. Deadline for submissions is on 31 March 2023.
The Art Studies Journal assigns an editorial team that reviews accepted submissions. Before submitting, the author/s should make sure that their name/s and institutional affiliation/s are removed from the manuscript and that the submission document itself is anonymized. Submissions written in English or Filipino are accepted. Images and figures should be properly captioned. All submissions (12 points Times New Roman, double-spaced in A4-sized document) should be sent as .doc or .docx via email to artstudiesjournal.upd@up.edu.ph. The journal does not accept previously published material and those that are currently in consideration for publication in another journal or other platforms.
For Articles
An approximate word count of 3,000 to 5,000 words for body text and maximum of 2,000 words for Endnotes and Works Cited, using the MLA citation system, 9th edition. An abstract (at most 300 words) and a maximum of five (5) keywords should also be included.
For Reviews:
An approximate word count of 1,000 to 2,000 words for body text concerning a publication, art exhibition, or exposition of forms of media texts. Selected publication should be published within the past two years from the date of submission. Selected art exhibition and exposition of forms of media texts should be mounted or written within a year prior to the date of submission. Reviews submitted must be on par with the standards of critical scholarship accepted by international academic journals.
For Research Notes and Artist Notes:
An approximate word count of 1,000 to 2,000 words for the text and image captions.
For Class Syllabi:
An approximate word count of 1,000 to 2,000 words for the body, which should include the course description, objectives, course outline, readings and materials list, and class activities/requirements.
For Other Formats and Lengths:
For submissions that are beyond the formats and lengths listed above, the author/s should discuss their intended submissions with the editors before submission.
The authors are responsible for securing expressed permissions from copyright owners for the use and reproduction of the photographs and other media in their submissions. The journal will not be liable to any damages related to copyright infringement. A copyright declaration form will be provided upon the author/s’ submission.
For more information and inquiries, kindly email the editors at: artstudiesjournal.upd@up.edu.ph.
Art Studies Journal Team
- Prof. Flaudette May V. Datuin, PhD
- Prof. Helen Yu-Rivera, PhD
- Ms. Emerald F. Manlapaz
- Mr. Mark Louie L. Lugue
Managing Editors:
- Ms. Erika Yasmin Beldia
- Ms. Jessica R. Manuel
Associate Editors:
- Mr. Philip Simon R. Malmstrom
- Ms. Nicole Noelle A. Tosoc
Art Director:
- Ms. Maria Consuelo G. Cabrera
Graphics Designers:
- Ms. Erika Yasmin Beldia
- Ms. Nicole Noelle A. Tosoc