The Department of Art Studies of the College of Arts and Letters at the University of the Philippines-Diliman is looking for ART STUDIES FACULTY to teach full-time for AY 2020-2021. Please view the post for the details.

The Department of Art Studies of the College of Arts and Letters at the University of the Philippines-Diliman is looking for ART STUDIES FACULTY to teach full-time for AY 2020-2021. Please view the post for the details.
Dear DAS major:
We are inviting you to answer a survey the department has formed to give us a general sense of your present situation, most especially in relation with the remote learning setup that will be implemented starting this coming semester. Please be assured that the information that will be asked from this survey will be used only in relation with the preparations for the coming semester.
To answer the survey, please access the link here, and login using your UP/Gmail email account:
We are hoping that you can take a few minutes of your time to fill the survey out on or before 30-July, Thursday.
In line with the recent changes in academic guidelines and policies as a result of the
COVID-19 pandemic, please be advised that the UP Diliman Executive Committee
approved the suspension of the administration of the Student Evaluation of Teachers (SET) this 2nd semester AY 19-20. As a result, there would be no low priority tagging of students for the midyear enlistment.
Students who wish to provide feedback regarding their courses this semester may email
their teachers directly or the unit/college offering the course.
Reference Number OAT JARC 20 – 002